Mystical Mantras: An Introduction To 5 Powerful Mantras You Can Recite Each Day
“Mantras are passwords that transform the mundane into the sacred.” – Deva Premal
Mystical words, phrases or utterances with distant and often unknown origins from deep in the past fascinate humanity today. Perhaps as our culture has evolved over the centuries and embraced science and provable facts over sensing and intuition, we’ve lost a universal and fundamental part of being human—our connection to the invisible world, to Spirit.
Just because something isn’t currently provable by science doesn’t mean it has no value or won’t be proven later. A revival is underway right now—a broader yearning—to access this connection to our innate spirituality. Adopting mantras is part of that, but what does that mean?
A mantra is a word, phrase or sound repeated continually to help concentrate or set an intention. Mantras can lift our vibration and turn our mental space around rapidly. We can chant mantras anywhere, whether in a quiet setting, like in the privacy of our home, speaking them aloud; or in a crowded setting, like waiting in line at the store, reciting them in our mind. Their power resides in our intention, and thoughts hold just as much power as spoken words.
The concept of uttering these simple words or phrases to reach enlightened states of consciousness dates back thousands of years. The word mantra comes from ancient Sanskrit in India. Its meaning has many interpretations, which is another reason why it’s so mystical. It most likely came from combining two words: manas, meaning “the mind,” and tra, most likely meaning “a tool.” Various religions and cultures have adopted mantras over time. They’re our bridge to the invisible world, connecting us deeper with the pervasive energy of the Universe, where manifestation arises.
I’ve always been fascinated by the mystical origin of mantras. However, it wasn’t until I made mantras a regular part of my daily meditations that I started to see the impact these repeated sounds have on my overall well-being. I notice a tingling, elevating, peaceful feeling when I repeat these words or phrases. I repeat them in my mind and out loud throughout the day. The process is similar to giving gratitude, where repetition keeps us focused on positive thoughts and connects us more deeply with the realm of Spirit.
Repeating a mantra stills my mind while pulling me into my heart’s centre and into a greater awareness of the buzzing energy around me. In this energetic space, I’m highly focused, my consciousness expands and my chakras activate.
