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Your Gateway To a Loving & Supportive Online Sanctuary.
Christ healing the centurion servant-wad
Jesus healing leper-wad
Jesus Healing Peter's mother-in-law-wad
Jesus Healing Peter's mother-in-law1-wad
Jesus Christ Turning water into wine-wad
Jesus Christ Walking on water-wad
Jesus Christ Raising Jairus' daughter-wad
Jesus Christ Restoring a severed ear-wad
Jesus Christ Raising the widow’s son-wad
Jesus Christ Healing a man with dropsy-wad
Jesus Christ Raising Lazarus-wad
Jesus Christ Healing the Canaanite woman’s daughter-wad
Jesus Christ Healing the boy with a demon-wad
Jesus Christ healing two blind men-wad
Jesus Christ Healing ten lepers-wad
Jesus Christ Healing the blind and mute demoniac-wad
Jesus Christ Healing a man born blind-wad
Jesus Christ Feeding 5000-wad
Jesus Christ Healing a man with a withered hand-wad
Jesus Christ Healing a deaf and mute man-wad
Jesus Christ Feeding 4000 people-wad
Jesus Christ Cleansing the temple-wad
Jesus Christ Catch of fish-wad
Jesus Christ Cursing the fig tree-wad
Jesus Christ Calming the storm-wad
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